“No such thing as ´disease´in the body, only dis-ease.” Dr. Jeffrey Bland
Our body has an incredible ability to heal itself, to recover and bounce back. We are really not as vulnerbale as a lot of people believe they might be.
Within Functional Medicine we look at the notion that Disease is actually dis-ease. tarts with the early signs of dsyfunction and it is when we dont address these and get to the bottom of the dsyfunction/dis-ease at the early stages, whereby we dont listen to the warning sounds and symptoms that our body is giving us and just pop an ibuprofen, paracetamol, or a Zantac etc in order to be able to just keep on going, that dis-ease then progresses to be a diagnosable disease.
If we relate this to the blue skies being optimal wellness, a cloud in the sky, would be first stages of dis-ease for example headaches, then followed by a few more clouds which might be something like bloating or constipation. Then the cloudy sky get joined by some rain clouds, such as eczema or astham or osteoarthritis, until there is full on lightening and thunder and we have hashimoto´s or rheumatoid arthritis to name but a few.
Alot of us are living a life of high stress, where we are constantly running, pushing forward and doing more and more in order reach something or somewhere without paying attention to the signs and symptoms our body is giving us, to tell us that it needs a bit of help.
However when we do pay attention to those signals by allowing the time to be more in tune with the body, then we can often get to the root causes and reverse the dynamics of disease.
Most of the time our body deals with all sort of threats to the body without us even knowing it,
As always if you are not sure where to begin, or are struggling to pinpoint why you are not feeling your best, Get in Touch, soneill@shirley-oneill.com for a Free Consultation.
When was the last time you received the personal attention you deserve and talked to someone about your health?